Recover Damages From IP Infringements

Detect and Recover Damages Resulting From IP Infringements on Your Brand

Featured CounterFind Clients

Our highly experienced litigation partners recommend the optimal legal path for each brand based on the data collected

Up to $2.8 trillion of counterfeit goods, now 3.3% of global trade, are sold each year. This is just one part of the IP theft problem that costs the global economy.

Programs Options Available
Settlement Program
Domestic recoveries result via our turnkey Settlement Program. Notices are sent to selected infringers, and as settlements are reached, damages are collected and funds are distributed
Worldwide recoveries occur through courtroom proceedings, and as judgments are entered, assets are seized, damages are collected, and funds are distributed
Both Settlement Program + Litigation
Parallel Path both options using both Domestic + Foreign sellers from CounterFind
Average Program Stats
Single Settlement
Damages Awarded
Time To Judgement
100 Days
Defendants Settlement

What our Clients Are Saying

“Little did we know in December of 2019 when we partnered with Counterfind, what a critical asset they would be when the world turned upside down with COVID and online infringement of our trademarks amplified.  Since those early days, this partnership quickly evolved into a trusted relationship that we rely on to assist with protecting our brand.  While the Counterfind platform is the “tool” that we use on a daily basis to accomplish our brand protection goals, it is the people, and the customer service makes this relationship awesome.”
Dale Arens

Dale Arens

Trademark Licensing Director, University of Iowa

“CounterFind has found a niche with its social media enforcement tool for marketplace listings and ads. We find it crucial to include them in our overall brand protection strategy at WWE. ”
Matthew Winterroth

Matthew Winterroth

Vice President & Intellectual Property Counsel, WWE

“CounterFind’s ability to customize and adapt aspects of their software to fit into Merch Traffic’s trademark protection program has made them an incremental part of our overall strategy. CounterFind has streamlined our ability to enforce multiple brands and makes fighting counterfeits online easy.”
Emily Holt

Emily Holt

Director of Business & Legal Affairs, Merch Traffic

“CounterFind's solution allows us to consolidate all infringements across every major NFT marketplace for seamless review and removal of fakes. What would have taken us weeks to review and report, we can now do in seconds."
Liz Van Denburg Cohen

Liz Van Denburg Cohen

Director of Merchandise Licensing at BEN Group

Learn how to turn CounterFind into a revenue stream.