Do you Know Where Your Customers Are Spending 50% of Their Day?

5 min read

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Published on
October 23, 2018

Counterfeiters are smart and know how to reach your fans and consumers. As technology has evolved, so have their tactics, which is why counterfeiters are choosing to target purchasers on social media

The average US consumer spends more than five hours per day on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Teens almost double that and average at up to nine hours per day on social platforms.

That’s why it’s important to prioritize social media marketplaces for your brand protection strategy, especially leading up to the holidays. CounterFind is the leading software in protection on social media. Our algorithm not only can identify ads and sponsored posts selling counterfeit and bootleg products, but can help you remove them in real time.

Want to see it in action? Click here for a free scan of your brand:  

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Learn how CounterFind can help protect your brand on any social media platform!